30 Days of Beautiful: Karrie

This is a wonderful opportunity for me to introduce a Beautiful soul: Ladies and Gentlemen, this is Beautiful Karrie.

What does beauty mean to you? I believe beauty comes from within. Being compassionate and caring towards others. When a person has a beautiful heart and spirit, that spills over and makes them beautiful on the outside too.

When do you feel most beautiful? I feel most beautiful when my husband just stares into my eyes in a way that tells me how beautiful he thinks I am even without saying the words.

What does being a woman mean to you? Being a woman means being strong. Resilient. Caring. It means being able to say "I am ok just as I am"... no matter what anyone else says or thinks.

Tell me your story: I am someone who has lived most of my life being told, and believing, that I was anything BUT beautiful. I am not society's standard of what "beauty" is. But over the years and with a lot of work on myself, I am learning to understand that I AM beautiful. It doesn't matter what society may or may not think about me. God made me the way I am, and God doesn't make mistakes. Is there more I still need to work on? Of course. There always will be. But I like to think of myself as a beautiful work in progress.

What do you think was the biggest turning point in your life? When I was 24, I moved to Orlando, FL on my own. It was 3,000 miles away from my family and about 99% of my friends. Making that move was the best thing that I ever could have done. It was really hard, especially the first couple months. But being totally on your own in that way teaches you to trust and rely on yourself. I gained a confidence through that experience that I had never known before. That move was the initial instigator for me to start really looking within, working on myself, and believing that I am a strong and beautiful woman.

Please finish the statement – I am a person who…: I am a person who is blessed beyond measure. I am married (almost 1 year, Jan 24th is our Anniversary!) to the most amazing, wonderful man I ever could have dreamed of. I have a group of family and friends who are always there, no matter what. Sure, there are struggles, but I have an abundance of everything that REALLY matters.

Tell me about a goal you are working on: Right now, my biggest goal is to find permanent, steady employment. Since moving back to CA last year, I've had a few temporary/part-time jobs, but I'm still working on finding something permanent. I am also continuing to work on me. It's sometimes still a fight to believe I'm beautiful, and "worth it". But with the help of an amazing group of people, and of course with God's help, it gets a little easier every day.

What do you love about yourself? Physically speaking, I love my eyes. I got the same amazing, expressive blue eyes my mom has.